#ThePursuit – Bud T: Cycling for a Change


#ThePursuit Fan Submission, Bud

When we received Bud’s Pursuit submission, we admittedly became a little emotional. Not because it’s a sad story for any reason, but reading he’s striving to accomplish restores your faith in humanity. Inspiring you to look in the mirror and ask yourself the hardest question – “What have I done to make a difference today?”.

Although we’ve never met Bud before, we feel as though his purpose and commitment to his goals are clear and selfless. Not to say that he’s not benefiting from embarking on this pursuit, as we believe he will become a better human being for having set such a goal. What we do know, is that Bud is a fan of anything with wheels, in particular the two wheel variety, in addition to McLarens – and there’s also a good chance that he has a heart of gold!

This is Bud T and his 30 Year Pursuit

  • Who Are You?
    • “I am Bud T. I work in public sector IT, and I’m an avid Cyclist.” 
  • What Are You on the Pursuit of? 
    • “I’ve set out to reach a personal goal of participating in the MS150 Charity for 30 consecutive years. To do this, I wake up at 5am each morning, during my training season, and I bike between 30 and 80 miles. Challenging myself, and preparing for the event.”

“I have completed 23 consecutive yearly MS150 charity bike rides.”

  • When Did You Start Your Pursuit?
    • “Currently, I have completed 23 consecutive yearly MS150 charity bike rides. To participate, you must raise money which goes towards the fight of the disease, Multiple Sclerosis.”
  • When Will Your Pursuit be Completed? 
    • Editor’s Note: Bud did not answer this question directly, but we assume he would respond, “after 30 consecutive years”. Although, with his drive, we believe he will continue to contribute to the fight against MS, much longer than that. 

“If we each pick one thing, we can all make a difference!”

  • Why Are You on This Pursuit?
    • “I have seen the devastation that MS can cause on people’s lives, first hand, and I am committed to the cause. This is my Pursuit, and in many ways, it’s the most positive contribution I have made to society. If we each pick one thing, we can all make a difference!”

Bud’s Pursuit has certainly given us a jolt of inspiration at the office. When we set out to start #ThePursuit campaign, we really only intended on inspiring others, but with stories like this one and several others, we are finding out that we are the ones being inspired by our fans and community. And that is truly amazing.

We are wishing Bud success on his Pursuit, and we’ll be looking forward to seeing him cross the finish line 7 more times! Good luck, Bud!

Are you on #ThePursuit? Share your story with us, for a chance to win a Supercar Track Xperience. Click HERE for more info.